


Purpose beyond wealth

Our focus is on providing independent support and advice to sustain wealth of families and individuals who not only wish to preserve and grow their net worth but also create a meaningful balance between human, social and financial capital in line with the common vision of the family and the aspirations of future generations.

Holistic Approach

The deep understanding of your family’s circumstances, gathered through generative listening, enables us to manifest the common sense of purpose uniting all of its members. Together with you, we co-design the best path towards a successful and long-term wealth strategy and crystalize it into vision and intention.



Deep Generative Listening

At Beaumont, we listen with open-will, encompassing both an open-mind and an open-heart. Benefiting from our extensive knowledge and experience, we uniquely understand the family mechanics. We grasp the family legacy and its long-term goals. Through family genograms, we seize the interactions between family members and their individual aspirations.



Ingenious Creativity: Beaumont’s “savoir-faire”

We bring ingenious solutions. Creativity and problem solving is at the core of our capabilities. With an engineering and corporate DNA, Beaumont’s team, extended network and experts, can handle countless problems and deal with numerous negotiations. Whether we are talking operational, investment strategy, legacy or philanthropy, we scrutinize every aspect of the family wealth so as to uncover and address hidden opportunities and risks.



We bring the dots closer to your concern

From listening to strategizing, from governance to operations, from professional to private holdings, from liquid to alternative assets, from global to local, from general to specialist, from us to our community of peers, and vice-versa, we connect the dots. Throughout the system and at all levels, we capitalize on the cumulative competencies of the community of trusted partners we have selected over the years and with whom we share common values.
We are proud to put our extensive network at work and curate the optimum match for the benefit of our clients.



Enlightened decisions

We serve the idea that you are in the driving seat and that together, we co-create your plan. We share our knowledge with you. We alert you on pitfalls. We discuss views, choices and preferences. We examine opportunities and challenges with a watchful eye. We help establish board positions. We question plans and reports. We mentor family members, next-gen as well as executives. We focus on wealth sustainability and long-term win-win. There is no routine on the decision journey.